Download the Geomain App and verify your mobile number to register your Free-for-Life personal Geomain with country suffix.
US$ 0
Governments can benefit greatly by using Geomains on ID cards & Driving Licenses. Government domains have the format ".gov:country". Example: >WHITEHALL.GOV:GB
from US$19.99/year
CongratulationsGeomain is available. |
PIN-secured navigation to you
Scan UDID QR Code for access
Scan QR to exchange GeoCards
NextGen Social EcoSystem
Brand Names Reserved
Mobile subs need a Geomain
Character sets supported
Projected Secondary Market
UDID enables countries, organizations & businesses to uniquely & securely identify you. Whilst we shall always remain the sole Registry for your Geomain, to assure your privacy we aim to progressively have all your data stored locally on servers managed by your own carrier or service provider. This will ensure that all your data resides exclusively within national borders and is subject only to local laws at all times.
A Geomain remains your “address’ where ever life takes you. In an increasingly privacy-conscious world, you can now “Share your address, without sharing your address“.
Geomain gets you to the door – or pick-up /drop-off point – 100% of the time, every time, thus saving the industry Billions of Dollars in lost time, lost miles & burnt fuel. It is a key ingredient in your recipe for delighted customers!
Address integrity – or ensuring an address is valid – is expensive business. Geomain is an always-current and valid address, and is projected to enhance efficiency of the logistics chain (especially the last mile) by around 20%, thus saving this industry Billions of Dollars annually.
Use of email as the core sign-on parameter continues to fuel spam. Using your Geomain as your sign-on credential (instead of email & password), not only assures real-time multi-factor security validation, it also makes our world password free, thus making spam optional.
The market for secondary trading of Geomain names is projected to be about US$3+ Billion annually.
Everyone can start trading on the GeoMarket exchange. All you need to do is buy at least one Geomain.
GeoMarket allows you to auction to the highest bidder any Geomain name(s) you have purchased.
GeoMarket transactions are fulfilled by Geomain itself on the seller’s behalf. Seller pays a 5% fee per transaction. We got you covered!
GeoMarket uses state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption for all transactions performed on the platform.
GeoMarket platform is available in over 25 languages to serve Geomainers globally. No matter where you live, you’re good to go.
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Never share your email. Use your Geomain to sign-on instead. It’s smarter.
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Geomain is a Member of the Consultative Committee of Universal Postal Union
© 2024, The Geomain Organization. All rights reserved.